I won a Kindle Keyboard in a raffle, and I remembered that Marco just used a padded envelope as a sleeve for his.
“Search the web for Marco Kindle envelope”. Correct transcription, even though I said ehn-velope and Siri read it back as ahn-velope. Siri opened a Google search, the first hit was the post I wanted, and the snippet even had the envelope size.
I switched to Nebulous Notes and opened my shopping list file. Then I tried transcription. My first try blinked the purple dots then didn’t give me any text, but when I tried again, I said “six by nine bubble envelope” and the transcribed text was “6 x 10 bubble envelope”.
Later, “Play podcast the talk show” worked, and Siri even responded “Playing The Talk Show 63: Skyping a Deuce”. Siri actually said (and properly pronounced) the show title “Skyping a Deuce”. (Though I’d guess the phonemes probably came from sky and ping, rather than conjugating Skype as a verb.)
Early in that episode, Siracusa sent Dan a defaults write command to enable AirDrop on Gruber’s old MBP. I turned off the car radio, opened Siri, and said “Remind me to enable air drop when I get home”. “Here’s your reminder: ‘Enable AirDrop’”.
Another fun one: “Remind me to call my parents when I get home” caused Siri to show both of my parents and ask which one, then asked which number. (I was hoping it would detect that they both had the same home phone number and skip this questioning. Maybe I could have said 'call my parents at home’?) Later, as I pulled into the garage, the reminder notification popped up, and the default button was Call. Pretty slick.
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