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Tim's (still) not blogging


  1. cars
  2. Eleventy ugh
  3. tired of hearing
  4. One bootable USB for all the images (x86)
  5. How the hell do computers work?
  6. Spaces keyboard shortcuts
  7. TeX
  8. 3D
  9. OctoPrint with touch screen
  10. 2021 media
  11. 2019-2020 media
  12. Installing Ubuntu on old laptops
  13. Media 2019
  14. Where I learn new things
  15. Nothing to see here.
  16. 2015 media
  17. Year in Review - Media
  18. More little git tricks
  19. Reading list 2014
  20. All Volume Management should be Logical
  21. Growing LVM in a VM with extended partitions
  22. git snapshotting before rollback
  23. There is no script engine for file extension ".vbs"
  24. Multiple tomcats on different ports and session cookies
  25. Siri
  26. The other day
  27. AdBlock
  28. I hate blogs
  29. cvs2git
  30. iPhone apps
  31. go home chrome
  32. screens, shot
  33. merged
  34. unbranched!
  35. git it. got it?
  36. Christmas
  37. Trying the tumblr iPhone app
  38. The new MacBook is here! The new MacBook is here!